İlke Ferit DEMİRBİLEK was born in 1978. He graduated from Abant izzet Baysal University with a degree inTourism and Hotel Management in 2000.
He completed his management trainee in USA under Marriott brand. After management trainee, he kept going to work for Marriott two more years.
During the time in USA, he completed 'Hospitality Management Certificate Programme' in Wisconsin University. In 2003 he worked for Millwaukee Marriott West during the time of opening period.
By the time, he backed to Turkey, he worked for Divan and Cevahir Group. He worked at Grand Cevahir Hotel and Convention Center's renovation period as Assistant General Manager. In the following years, He opened Cevahir Asia and Biz Cevahir Hotels as a General Manager.
In 2016 he performed as a consultant in Hilton Double Tree Topkapı during the time of construction period and in 2017 he worked for Hedef Group Hotels.
As of the day, he is a consultant of Gaziantep Ramada Plaza Hotel and Convention Center.
Mr. Demirbilek is married and has two daughters.